Lost and Found


   ‘You may have hit rock bottom,

     But it’s the perfect place to start.

        Where the only thing you can hear,

   Is the beating of your heart.’


Life taught me kindness this year

And how even a random smile can make someone cheer.

You don’t need to know the person to know

That’s there a battle been fought inside that they don’t want to show.

You don’t need their story to be kind but share a genuine smile,

And let them know that they weren’t alone all this while.


It’s hard to adjust to changes, agreed

But for you to grow, know, love and remember that is what you did need.

And so, I was taught that sometimes you have to embrace the unexpected,

You won’t always know what comes at you and that fact had to be accepted.

That maybe you wouldn’t have wanted yet it had happened,

And because of that, don’t let your true self get dampened.


I learnt that maybe it was okay and will be alright,

But that didn’t mean there wasn’t pain while in the fight.

To observe something, even if we just took a minute out

It’ll change the way you look at it, without a doubt.


To be grateful was something this year taught me to be,

And to be utterly thankful for the ones who stood by me.

Sometimes you don’t need words to express emotions,

And not every situation has to have a solution.


I learnt things too many to name,

But knew that not everything always remains the same.

              It was okay to be confused and lost, 

And there will come things in your list which you never would’ve crossed.


Life taught and made me see a lot of things this year,

Some happy, some painful and some which hit very near.

But it knocked it into me the hard way,

That not every day might be good but there is something good in every day.

  Trust the wait, embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming.