A Twist in the Turn


Silly girl, just hold on

Ups and downs, high and low

This game of life all of us know

Wish was not to make things a mess

But life has its way of making us do its tests


Life had once given me a message,

How to never let the mind become a wreckage

‘Silly girl, it’s all a matter of time,

Have patience, it’ll all be fine


The heart is fighting within itself a battle

Holding onto itself, not letting it scramble

But everytime there’s a taste of salt on the lips

It breaks bit by bit, loosening on it its grip


Another message life whispered to the heart,

Before letting it fall apart, it asked to admire the art

“Silly girl, know one thing and on it you must depend

If it’s meant to be, the story will never end”


These are times when you have been broken

Even after trying, your wounds are still open

There was a time when you have broken it on your own

Not just yours, and because of it you feel all alone


There’s an emptiness, a hollow feeling almost lifeless

Yet, your life is something priceless

“Silly me, one thing that I forgot

Don’t yet give up, every try will be worth a shot”


Stay, stick to your stars

Together with them, heal all the scars

There’ll be the worst lows and deepest downs

There is something waiting for you, even after the frown


“Silly girl, you broke and became broken,

Be there for them, the ones you have chosen”

~Just Another Sparkle