Wings from Underneath


Live as if you were to die tomorrow”

When your own breath leaves you and goes away for the next one to come how do you expect that you will stay forever? When you cry and your tear leave your face how do you believe that your happiness can stay forever? Why do you let yourself be taken away by things which aren’t meant for you? Why do you get committed to people or things that don’t let you live yourself?
You know what you should do? Just get done with all of it. Get taken away by your dreams, by the time which you have, by your own words, your smile and your emotions. Live for yourself.

Why live for those people who make you feel as if you mean something to them one day and the next day they don’t even know you. Why live for those people who made you feel worthless but you tried making them feel special? Why live for those temporary things – words, promises, friendship, love?

You must remember that you are nothing but a fool if you put your own existence, your happiness and your own smile for someone else.  Don’t live for them who ruin your beauty, who mess your peace or take away your joy.

Live for that person who will make you smile a little more, laugh a little harder and live life far better. Live for that person who will respect you no matter what, who will stand by you no matter what and who will make you realize when you are wrong. Live for that person who will never judge, live for that person for whom your happiness is the only thing required. Live for that person who can’t handle your sadness and who slaps you hard when you make blunders. Live for that person who doesn’t care if you still sleep with your teddy bears or if the buttons on your shirt are mismatched, or if there is chocolate all over your face or if you like sitting under the stars rather than attending a party, or rather you have food stains all over your white shirt but that person still doesn’t give a damn and loves you the same.

Live for that person who will crack you down, shatter you into pieces and drain all your strength. No, that person won’t break you but it will shed that layer underneath which, hides the incredible you.

And that person is YOU.

Because in the end, you will be judged anyways, don’t lose your life trying to impress others. Live your life to impress yourself. It’s your life to live. Because remember You Only Live Once and that once will never Give you a second chance.

How can you be so sure that you will be alive to complete all your dreams that you have seen? So , Stop watching the dreams. Start By making your dreams come true. Right now, this moment begin your journey to cherish your dreams.

Why waste your life thinking about your problems? A great man once said, ‘Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even your troubles.’ So stop right there put a full stop to your problems. Turn the page of your book, and start it with the things you have always wanted to do with your life and start with it.

Live for the moment. That’s where everything is happening.

Words of wisdom?

Climb High. Get insight of yourself. conquer your fears. control your desire. Act on your thoughts. Do everything to make you realize your existence. 

You only have one life. So, instead of roots, choose wings. Instead of earth choose skies, for what you needed was ground but what you want are the stars,
And remember, ‘Hold fast to your dreams. Because, if dreams die life is like a broken winged bird that cannot fly.’

Be the Reason Someone Smiles. 💫